Mes: noviembre 2023


1.- Realizar la Portada  2do periodo en ingles «ilustrada».

2.- Realizar el glosario:

  • To express praise.                                               Intensifiers very, so, really, quite, rather, pretty
  • To express, indicate a degree (or amount)         too/enough
  • Refer to location and movement.                        Prepositions of place and movement
  • To make comparisons.                                        Comparisons of adjectives and adverbs
  • Referring to quantity                                           Quantifiers: How much…?/How many…?/much/many/a lot of/                                                                                                                                                             a few/a little/
  • To talk about something is done.                        One/ones

3.- Realizar el vocabulario

  • Negative prefixes; -un, -dis,
  • Negative suffix -less.
  • Word/phrases related to video games.
  • Strong adjectives.
  • Types of movies.
  • Words/phrases related to traveling by train.
  • Word/Phrases related to money and shopping.
  • Word building: adjectives ending in –ing, -ive, -ful, -ous, and – able.

4.- Classroom rules

Repetir el mismo del primer periodo