Mes: marzo 2024

INGLES II Face Mask, glossary, vocabulary, rules 2nd Period

1.- Carry out  the   «Facemask»   of the 3rd Term in English and ilustrate it.

2.- Carry out the    «Glossary«:

  • To use verbs in the same sentences.                                                                          Infinitive and –ing form.
  • To express agreement and disagreement.                                                                  So/neither/too/either.
  • To ask for confirmation.                                                                                               Tag question
  • To indicate the result of an action or situation.                                                            Clauses of results.
  • To describe why something happened due to the action by the main clause.            Clauses of reasons.
  • To pay attention into the action rather than the doer.                  Passive voice (present simple – past simple)
  • To express contrast or opposition to the main clause.                                               Clauses of concession

3.- Carry out the «Vocabulary«

  • Verb + prepositions.
  • Parts of the body.
  • Phrases related to communication.
  • Word /phrases related to non-verbal communication.
  • Word phrases related to work.
  • Word phrases related to the environment.
  • Nouns + prepositions.
  • Phrasal verbs.
  • Word building: nouns ending in: -ion, -ation. –al, and –th.

4.-     «Classroom rules«

  • Respect
  • Pay attention-learn
  • If yoiu don’t understand ask.
  • Participate
  • Raise your hand
  • Bring/have all your material
  • Work/deliver on time and in the proper way.
  • Eat/drink in the correct schedule/place.
  • Keep clean.
  • Bahave according to the place and time you are.