Choose the correct form (Present Simple or Present Continuous) to complete the sentences.

  1. I __________ (know / am knowing) the answer to your question.
  2. She __________ (is thinking / thinks) she will get 10.
  3. They __________ (are having / have) two dogs and a cat.
  4. She __________ (goes / is going) to the gym right now.
  5. We __________ (watch / are watching) TV every evening after dinner.
  6. They __________ (are studying / study) for their exams at the moment.
  7. He __________ (reads / is reading) a book at 9 at night.
  8. I __________ (cook / am cooking) dinner on Saturdays.
  9. He __________ (loves / is loving) chocolate ice cream.
  10. We __________ (are needing / need) more time to finish the project.